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Based on its extensive expertise on telecommunication, IoT, edge computing, collaborative robotics, coupled with recognized academic and industrial partners, Humanitas Solutions proposes a consulting service of integrated security for organizations to safeguard their people, data, and assets from uncertainties and threats.

Flow management

With a flagship ecosystem of Indoor Location, various access authentication methods can be made available ,such as ID card scan, QR code scan, fingerprint recognition, facial recognition, voice recognition, or even a full-scope biometric recognition for highly sensitive areas.

Data encryption and protection

In response to increased amounts of data transferring on the internet within and across organizations, Humanitas works with its partners to offer extraordinary protection to your valuable digital assets with cutting-edge technologies that utilize AI-based adaptive authentication to enable flawless security across all local, network, and cloud environments.

Moreover, underlaid with HEAVEN and DASS, data collection, processing, analysis, and storage all occurs locally within the Indoor Location ecosystem, away from exposures to the open network.

Situational Awareness, Perimeter Security, and Aerospace

The Indoor Location ecosystem along with its component sensors installed on every point of interest locates, tracks, monitors, and collects information all the time. All of the information then converges onto an overview picture of the entire facility.


Users can thus benefit from the Distributed mobile UTM with data fed by the Indoor Location system for improved situational awareness and decision making.


For an overall full protection, Anti-drone Systems can also be deployed in case of necessity to ensure no threats present on 360 degrees.

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